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I vantaggi a colpo d'occhio

  • Guarigione controllata accelerata delle ferite¹.
  • Effetto batteriostatico².
  • Supporto alla rigenerazione dei tessuti³.

¹ King SR, Hickerson WL, Proctor KG. Beneficial actions of exogenous hyaluronic acid on healing. Surgery 1991; 109(1): 76–84. Ortonne JP. Comparative study of the activity of hyaluronic acid and dextranomer in the treatment of leg ulcers of venous origin. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2001; Mar (Suppl.): 13–16. Ruggiero SL et al. Hyaluronidase activity of rabbit skin wound granulation tissue fibroblasts. J Dent Res 1987; 66: 1283–1287.

² Bevilacqua, L. et al. Effectiveness of adjunctive subgingival administration of amino acids and sodium hyaluronate gel on clinical and immunological parameters in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Annali di Stomatologia (Roma) 2012; 3: 75–81. Johannsen A. et al. Local Delivery of Hyaluronan as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis. J Periodontol 2009; 80: 1493–1497.

³ Briguglio, F. et al. Treatment of infrabony periodontal defects using a resorbable biopolymer of hyaluronic acid: A randomized clinical trial. Quintessence Int 2013; 44: 231–240.

hyaDENT e hyaDENT BG sono soluzioni di trattamento a base di acido ialuronico di origine non animale, ottimizzate per applicazioni rigenerative e parodontali.



Un gel di acido ialuronico naturale altamente concentrato.

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