Landmark Studies
9-Year Results of a Prospective Case Series Study Demonstrate Positive Long-Term Outcome With INICELL® surface
A Retrospective Study of 30959 Implants: Risk Factors Associated With Early and Late Implant Loss
An Evaluation of Superhydrophilic Surfaces of Dental Implants - a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Analysis of Fractured Dental Implant Body From Five Different Implant Systems: a Long-Term Retrospective Study
Clinical and Radiological Outcome of Titanium Implants in Clinical Practice: a 5 Year, Prospective, Multicenter Case Series
Clinical Evidence With the Thommen Medical Implant System at a Glance
Clot-Entrapped Blood Cells in Synergy With Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Create a Pro-Angiogenic Healing Response
Early Loading of Titanium Dental Implants With an Intraoperatively Conditioned Hydrophilic Implant Surface: 3-Year Results of a Prospective Case Series Study
Immediate Versus Early Non-Occlusal Loading of Dental Implants Placed Flapless in Partially Edentulous Patients: a 10-Year Randomized Clinical Trial
In Vitro Study Confirms Superior Positional Accuracy of Thommen Medical Keyless Guided Surgery System
Loading of Titanium Implants With Hydrophilic Endosseal Surface 3 Weeks After Insertion: Clinical and Radiological Outcome of a 12 Month Prospective Clinical Trial
Promising Outcomes With ELEMENT RC Implants and Socket Shield Technique in Pilot Study Over 5 Years
Randomized Clinical Investigation of Titanium Implants With and Without Platform Switching: six Months’ Radiographic and Clinical Outcome
Six-Year Survival and Early Failure Rate of 2918 Implants with Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Enossal Surfaces
Successful Rehabilitation of a Fractured Molar Tooth with NEVO, Dr. Alfonso Gil
VARIOflex Demonstrates Highest Strength Values in Fracture Resistance Tests of Titanium Base Abutments
Clinical Cases
A Rehabilitation of Both Jaws With Immediate Implant Placement and Loading
A Single Tooth Restoration With ELEMENT in a Challenging Esthetic Situation
A Single-Stage Approach With Simultaneous Bone Regeneration
A Staged Full Arch Implant Surgery Approach Without Bone Removal
A Structured Therapy Approach in the Molar Region
Complex Replacement of Central Incisors
CONTACT Implants in an Extremely Atrophic Mandible
Digital Full Arch Restoration in Both Jaws
Flapless Immediate Implantation of NEVO in the Anterior Maxilla
Fully Digital Mandibular Rehabilitation With NEVO in Type 1 Bone
Gap Management and a CONTACT Implant in the Esthetic Zone
Guided Implant Surgery With Subepithelial Tissue Grafting
Immediate Fully Guided Implantation of NEVO in the Esthetic Zone
Immediate Implant Placement and GBR in the Esthetic Area
Immediate Implant Placement to Replace Central Incisors With a Non-Standard Prosthetic Restoration
Immediate Implantation With NEVO on Tooth 36
Immediate NEVO Implant Placement for a Single Tooth in the Molar Area
Immediate NEVO Implant Placement for Full Maxillary Rehabilitation in Type 3 Bone
Immediate Placement of NEVO in Premolar Extraction Socket
Peri-Implant Bone Augmentation With the SPAL Technique
Rehabilitation of a Dental Cyst With Dental Implants
Rehabilitation of a Single Molar Tooth With Immediate Implant Placement
Single Molar Tooth Rehabilitation With Immediate Implant Placement
Successful Peri-Implantitis Treatment
The All-On-Four Concept With Thommen Medical
Two-Stage Implant Procedure for Single Tooth Replacement
Brochure - The Multiguard Protection Solution
Broschüre - NEVO The First Gentle Implant
Flyer - Dynamic Tibase®
Flyer - Gingiva former narrow
Flyer - Guided Surgery
Flyer - Guided Surgery with steco
Flyer - Loading the surgical cassette
Flyer - NEVO The First Gentle Implant
Flyer - Overview Prosthetics PF 3.5
Flyer - Overview Prosthetics PF 4.0
Flyer - Overview Prosthetics PF 4.5
Flyer - Overview Prosthetics PF 5.0
Flyer - Overview Prosthetics PF 6.0
Flyer - Restorative Guide
Flyer - The Multiguard Protection Solution
Flyer - The Thommen Prosthetics
Flyer - Thommen Medical
Flyer - VARIOmulti digital
Flyer - VARIOmulti tertiary parts
Flyer - VECTOdrill Portfolio
Flyer - Webshop
Flyer - Webshop-Guide
Flyer - Working in the Blue Sky Plan Planning Software
Flyer VARIOtemp & VARIOflex
Guarantee forms
Country specific guaranteeforms
Thommen Medical Guarantee
Other downloads
Cutting instruments - Maximum frequency
Drilling Protocol CONTACT
Drilling Protocol ELEMENT
Drilling Protocol NEVO
Guided Surgery - Maximum Frequency
Guided Surgery - Quick Guide
Informationen zum Pilot Drill
MONO torque ratchet & MONO circlip
Electronic instructions for use
Electronic instructions for use - Novaloc® Abutment Thommen Medical
AID Alliance for implant Dentistry
Information and Consent Form for Implantology
Patientinformation-Flyer - Implant-Retained Denture Procedure
Patientinformation-Flyer - Multiple Tooth Dental Implant Procedure
Patientinformation-Flyer - Single Tooth Dental Implant Procedure
Press releases
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We are pleased to be able to provide you with the short Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP) for implants and products in risk class IIb. You can request it directly by emailing Please include the relevant article number(s) in your request.
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